Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm back!

Whew. Now that? That was quite a week.

To be honest, I'm not even sure where to start with a recap of our wedding weekend, so I'll start by saying this: it was fantastic. We had a blast, felt incredibly loved, and we think (we hope!) those who attended had almost as much fun as we did! There was also some last-minute wrangling of details, a few minor stressors, and a slightly annoying rainstorm. It was, as I mentioned on A.'s blog, "perfectly imperfect."

Rather than try to give a blow-by-blow of the whole weekend, I think I'm going to focus on little stories/vignettes. These may or may not be in order, but I'll do my best to tell them roughly chronologically!

Vignette 1: In which BiE's bridesmaid is put to work, and too much wine is opened.

On Friday, the day before the wedding, two dear family friends helped my mom throw a bridesmaids' brunch. My bridesmaid C had arrived the night before, and joined me and our other college pals for low-key beer and pizza at my favorite hometown pizza joint. As early as Thursday evening, having solved the Great Shoe Crisis of 2009 and otherwise spent the week a bundle of nerves, I was exhausted and borderline incoherent.

Thankfully, C was there (having stayed in our neighbor's guest room the night before) -- she transferred salads from plastic bowls to serving bowls, helped my mom set the tables, and was otherwise a rock star. My only task? Opening 2 bottles of wine. Number of glasses of said wine consumed at lunch? 1. (Guess who drank it? That's right, your truly, BiE.)

Lunch was lovely. Presents were bestowed upon the bridesmaids and upon our mothers. I gave each bridesmaid a book, individually chosen for her, and a La Purse pashmina in "Dusk."

Image from Two thumbs up for this San Francisco-based retailer!

Econo Boy's family skittered out earlier than I'd expected in order to work on the rehearsal dinner. Fortunately, this meant that I got to follow lunch with a pre-rehearsal power nap. Mmm, power nap.


Shannon said...

Congratulations!! Glad that you had a great wedding and can't wait to hear more about it!

CaitStClair said...

Yay! So glad to hear it was "perfectly imperfect"! Those are the best kind. Congratulations and I can't wait to hear all about it!

Ellen Mint said...

Congrats and welcome back. The scarf looks pretty awesome and comfy.

anna and the ring said...

Oh congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. I cannot wait to hear more.

anna and the ring said...

And also yay for power naps! They are my friends.